Going Postal
[For loyal Postal readers, you will no doubt remember
our good friends over at knoxserver.com who said we
would get the death penalty for hacking them. For
our not so loyal readers, you can check out that mail here.
You can also check out hot pussy instead.]
From: Paloma Galindo (palomagal@earthlink.net)
To: hacked@attrition.org
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 22:11:50 -0500
Subject: you are fucking up the revolution
i am with katuah earth first! the website your hommies messed up
www.knoxserver.com is used by us. we fight the corporations and often go
to jail for it. we use this server to facilitate our communications. it
is locally owned and not corporate. please leave it alone. we are
fighting multi million dollar corporations with slingshots. why don't
you go after G.E. or TVA, or westinghouse, or any number of the big
corporations? leave our luddite managed slingshot alone. if you won't
participate in the revolution at least don't fuck it up for the rest of
us fighting.
revolutionary orgs you messed up when you trashed the site
Food not bombs--generates food for the homeless, over 300 of us have
been arrested in san fran alone.
Earth First!-fighting to save our air, water, and life support system
Radio Free Katuah-Coalition of Pirate Radio groups applying to FCC for
licenses to broadcast revolutionary info
Ramona Africa Tour--of the MOVE organization--over 200 activist homes
and churches have been burnt the the ground. we are arranging tours for
radical anti racist activist to fight this.
when you trashed the site you hurt pirate radio in an entire region, you
fucked up homeless people getting food. you interfered with
communications you know nothing about. please use your brains first next
time and go after the real bad guys.
for the earth
emma goldman.
From: security curmudgeon (jericho@attrition.org)
To: Paloma Galindo (palomagal@earthlink.net)
Cc: hacked@attrition.org
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 20:20:00 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: you are fucking up the revolution
: corporations? leave our luddite managed slingshot alone. if you won't
Luddites using e-mail?
: communications you know nothing about. please use your brains first next
"please use your brains first" Does "pot calling the kettle black" mean
anything to you?
Go away you fucking sheep. Go back to your herd. Baahhhhh.
From: Paloma Galindo (palomagal@earthlink.net)
To: security curmudgeon (jericho@attrition.org)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:06:28 -0500
Subject: Re: you are fucking up the revolution
If you send me any more of your hatemail to me, (especially since I have
nothing to do with your vindictive battle) then I will turn you in. I have
no time for these out of hand petty battles.
[At this point, Paloma/Emma/Whoever tried to say
that several people used that account, and that
he/she/it/whoever had not sent the original mail.]