Going Postal
From: Luis Gonzalez (gse@caribe.net)
To: jericho@dimensional.com
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 02:40:38 -0800
Subject: Fw: Please Read This!!!
Subject: Please Read This!!!
Hi, im not a programmer, but I have a big idea. With the help
of a programmer, a hack page can create a program who activates
at a specific time for hack attacts from many users to a site for
crash or down the line of a site like antionline.com, or
companies who are doing ecological disasters, taking the people
like stupids or making thinks that many peoples or hackers
dont likes. This program need a hackers association or users
association to be created using the name like CyberAttacks or
CyberLaw or any name and need the support of all hackers page
like yours, progenic.com ect... for distribute it.
The use of the program is easy. Use it for colaboration at a
specific time for a cyber attack or CYBERWAR! the users visit
the page for see when is shedulled a attack for set up the program
and then wait for watch the attak in the news like CNN.
We need to do a association like this for make Law in the internet.
The program can consist in a single program where you can only type
the url of the page, type the specific time and the # of clicks /
pings, access ect... to the site or a more useful program who can
start up with windows everytime and it, when its needed , receive a
autoupdate and make a auto-cyber-atack.
sorry for my english
I hope CNN gets marketing rights.