Going Postal
From: MixMan3D@aol.com
To: staff@attrition.org
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 16:04:04 EST
Subject: hey
I have this on going problem with a man who is
always makeing my cellphone kut off and i always is making it
have alot of static i was hope you could help me stop him with
any ideas you might have from reading this.Im 22i live in
Florida and the man i know his name he does all kinds of things
with his computer he is able to look into peoples homes while
thry are watching T.V . I know there are some good things you
can do with computers iwould like to stop this guy i hope that
you can be on my side with this, anyinfo you have about how he
could be doing this will be very helpful to me thank you ...Nick..
1. Get better cell phone service. Static and dropped calls
are quite normal with any second rate service.
2. Open windows are the problem on your second issue. I hate
to break this to you, but you could be eating dinner while
he looks in the window too!@#$
There ya go. That is how he is doing it.