Going Postal
From: u u (dodgestealthrt@usa.net)
To: bmartin@attrition.org
Date: 12 Feb 00 10:32:49 MST
Subject: Very impressive site here...
...NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a bunch of loser/wanker
imagery. I just felt like gutter crawling a bit in sending
this to ya. I think I'll go back to crushing maggots like you
in my normal manner, via loopholes in the U.S. legal system.
Ah, the law, such a beautiful and deadly weapon. Time to
point, and click...
Hope ya never die, cause then you'll be around to suffer!
Vigilante with a monstously big chip on his shoulder.
Hope ya smell it!
P.S. Please hack me. It might mildly amuse me. If done by
others, it would probably bore me. Oh shit, I gave out how
to get rid of me, utter boredom!
Damn, we need to start a fan club. Maximum IQ can be around
17, no age restrictions.
We waited half a year for him to 'take us down' via
'loopholes in the U.S. legal system', but we haven't noticed
any difference yet.