Going Postal
From: Neil Arruda (therock_roodypoo@hotmail.com)
To: hacked@attrition.org
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 05:26:29 GMT
Subject: need some help
to whom it may concern....
i am bored of getting into my friends' computers and want
to learn something new. If you could i would really appreciate
it if you could tell me or set me off on the right foot by
telling me what i need to know and how to hack WEB SITES! i
really want to get my friend (he's a real prick and says no
one can hack his site!). I've already got his computer but
need some help getting his site.
if you could, once again, i would really appreciate it if you
could tell me what i need and how to do it!
I understaind, from your MAIL, that you wish to hack WEB SITES!.
You say you already have your friend's COMPUTER but even so you
aren't able to 'get' his WEB SITE. I assume that you would be
bored or otherwise inconvenienced by learning enough about
SYSTEM architecture and current TRENDS in security vulnerabilities,
and would really prefer a STEP BY STEP walkthrough of exactly
HOW TO HACK, or maybe even a handy-dandy TOOL that will do it for
you at the push of a BUTTON.
Or perhaps you would prefer that we put you in a chair, plug a
jack into the socket at the base of your skull, and simply
upload super-duper hacking ability directly into your brain...since
you -are- THEONE?