Going Postal
From: Verse 3 (verse3@hotmail.com)
To: root@attrition.org
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 20:51:09 EST
To whom it may concern,
If you have any clout whatsoever with any hackerz, please direct their
efforts in a friendly manner to 'tbn.org'. There's nothing more in life I'd
like to experience then seeing this heretics' telecommunications network
assualted at every turn. These peepz squander the capital that they bring
in from our retired, low income grandparents on their gaudy, selfishly
driven lives. They don't spread God's word at all but spread their own
desires to make more money. I'm not a religious zealot or anything but
these peepz detest me. I'd appreciate anything you could do for me. Thanx
Lot of passionate people wanting to see sites get nailed.
Telecom and religion.. what next?