From: You're gone (
	Date: 29 Sep 99 16:53:25 MDT
	Subject: re: You will pay

	I really hate doing this via email... but here it is...

	You are going to pay for what you are trying to do to AntiOnline and JP, give
	it a little time... as a matter of fact, give it a week or two but it wont
	stop there. And your friend from Forbes is and will loose his job or have his
	reputation tarnished for the poor journalism he done... That is one thing i
	can promise. I can also promise that JP and AntiOnline will be cleared from
	your bullshit... have fun Mr. Martin... again i hate doing this by email but
	its cheaper than phone and i had rather work on this from underground and pop
	up to surprise you. It has a better affect.

	Good Bye, this will be last time you hear from me via email.. 

> You are going to pay for what you are trying to do to AntiOnline and JP

What, is there a surcharge for telling people the truth now?

> it a little time... as a matter of fact, give it a week or two

Hrm. "little time" is so vague these days. John and Brad told me the same thing about eight months ago, and I'm still waiting on their prophecy to come true.

> stop there. And your friend from Forbes is and will loose his job or
> have his reputation tarnished for the poor journalism he done...

Poor journalism? Penenberg wrote an article and cited specific examples to back his claims. That is called *good* journalism. And I doubt a senior editor will lose his job for telling the truth. This poor excuse for a flame is exactly what he was writing about in case you couldn't figure it out.

> can promise. I can also promise that JP and AntiOnline will be cleared from
> your bullshit... have fun Mr. Martin... again i hate doing this by email but

They will never be cleared from *my* "bullshit". My "bullshit" consists of making people aware they are just as much a criminal as the people they libel and slander so much. But hey, everyone who counts already knows that. Why do you think we quit updating the 'negation' site?

> its cheaper than phone and i had rather work on this from underground and pop

This mail is synonymous with a "screw you" type phone call that would only cost 18 cents. I imagine that mom and dad won't let you call long distance is the real problem. If this is some vague threat that you know my phone number, pardon me not quivering and sweating in outright fear. My number is listed last I checked.

> up to surprise you. It has a better affect.

If this mail has a better affect than your phone call, you need serious help in developing communication skills. Vague threats from no name people aren't too scary. I get much worse from other misguided 14 year olds.

> Good Bye, this will be last time you hear from me via email..

Woohoo! One good thing came of this mail at least..

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