[This ended up being a 20 piece flame war by the time it was done. Modify showed levels of patience I can only dream of. Rather than put all the mail, we'll quote relevant material.]
From: Shuzzbyte@aol.com "Somehow I can't read your text. Maybe it's my computer.. or just your arrogance." [This was the first mail Modify received. After that, Modify spent considerable time asking for details so that he could try to help. She could not tell him what Operating System or Browser she used, took several pieces of mail to finally tell him that http://attrition.org was the URL causing problems, etc.] "By the way, I'm a woman, and a writer---and I know you won't mind when I reproduce these letters in toto, in my article. Ciao!" "Are all of you people simply LUNATICS? "We're not what you call...ORDINARY" You're right! "You're not what you call...sensible" either. DON'T WRITE ME AGAIN. I've had enough of your irritation. Your web page can provide nothing valuable." [At this point I'd like to remind our readers that her original complaint was that she couldn't read our text. Yet she can quote text from our page?] "Get over yourself--amoeba" "Yes, YOU tried to help. But Comega and Jericho are nothing but fart-faces high on the scent of their own putrid fumes."