F U C K E D U P C O L L E G E K I D S ------------------------------------------------------- - t h e p o e t r y v e n t u r e - ------------------------------------------------------- I don't really think one person's poetry is per sae any better than any one else's, rather it's how it reaches and effects each person. A poem that one may find to be wonderful and touching, another may find distant and remote. - Kamira ------------------------------------------------------- Crazy You see a crazy man.. But is he really ill? Maybe the craziest person we have, is the person on the pill. The careless person that goes around, doing the funky fish, Then swallows a pill, kills a life, it doesn't get more selfish. Maybe we are the craziest bunch, for believing what they speak. 'Cause after all the wars and deaths, they turn the other cheek. The crazy man just sits there, talking to his brain, What if that's his favourite song, now is he insane? What if the crazy person, is the one who judges others. He's minding his own business, finding some place for cover, Finding a place for shelter, because he's a tad less wealthy, And what he'd give to have a good meal, to be just twice as healthy. And what he'd give for what you've got, for what you think nothing of, The things that he would steal for, to show his family his love. Maybe he's been hooked on drugs, after realizing his mistake, But can not find a cure for it, appointments he can't make. And this poor unfortunate soul, who tries to keep his family alive, Tries to hide himself from you, he knows about your auto-despise, Not because he stalks you, but from majority, Of the richer people, who can not spare a cup of tea. He knows about you and everyone else, because he's watched you so. You think that he is crazy, but who's craziness will show. His dignity stays with him, while you judge him by looks, You cannot write without the pens, you cannot read without the books. You cannot wish for something, that you will never get, He doesn't wish for a dry home, he knows it'll always be wet. It will always be a cardboard box, and that makes you judge him more. Because you are rich, because of his clothes, or because he is poor. So this is the question I leave you with, before I end my story, Which makes you go crazier.. starvation or excessive glory? Is the crazy man you saw, really all that crazy? Or are you the insane one for judging because you're lazy. Devil-C Reaper Lost awakend he saw the world nothing worth seeing eyes blocked with clouded vision he was seeking help no help to be given eyes fogged he stopped seeking answer found eyes no longer in tears nny Kill You ======== I hurt so deep and all you do Is make me hurt more, so fuck you I'd kill you if I could, and maybe I will Shoot you, beat you, stab you and make your blood spill You never belonged in my life and you never will What am I suposed to do? I'm starting to think about killing you To see the blood running down your face, and you wondering who Who just fucking killed you -Shadow Wolf little piece of my soul ridiculed out of place spit it back in his face remove that shred of pride by telling him that he lied revel in his heartfelt pain his feelings to you inane watch his life crumble to despair tell your friends he treated you unfair cold and cruel your eyes their look says one thing: despise abusing him your natural high how many ways you crucify take a little piece of my soul mea culpa Reflection I stand outside & look at myself making believe i am somebody else like a stranger, i take note and like a light in the dark, i awoke i see the anger, i see the hate judgement of a stranger i cannot debate "look after yourself" i hear me say "you are a good person, but hate rules your way continue you will become bitter & sore people will see & you; they will ignore forgive your past. move on. start anew only then will you find love in you". blaise ------------------------------------------------------- E D I T O R S: jericho@dim.com, geekgrl@attrition.org ------------------------------------------------------- to receive new issues via e-mail, send mail to majordomo@attrition.org with "subscribe poetry". if you do not have FTP access and would like back issues, send a list of missing issues and they will be sent. ------------------------------------------------------- A V A I L A B I L I T Y: AnonFTP: FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK/POETRY WWW: http://www.attrition.org/~poetry ------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright. All poems copyright by original author. -------------------------------------------------------