[VIM] WordPress Better WP Security Plugin HTML Injection Vulnerability

Henri Salo henri at nerv.fi
Sat Aug 3 20:56:23 CDT 2013

On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 08:35:41PM +0000, George Theall wrote:
> Narayan / Venkat / Rob : what difference is there between BIDs 61562 and 61518? Both credit Richard Warren and involve an XSS vulnerability addressed in Better WP Security 3.5.4. The plugin's change log (http://www.wordpress.org/plugins/better-wp-security/changelog/) only lists one XSS issue:
> • Fixed an XSS vulnerability in the logevent function. Fix by Richard Warren
> George
> -- 
> theall at tenable.com

I can do diffing for commits if needed. Does this already have CVE identifier? There is at least issues:


Henri Salo
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