[VIM] Preprojects Pre Classified Listings 'category' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability

Rob Keith rkeith at securityfocus.com
Tue Mar 20 10:53:56 CDT 2012

Yes, same issue, we'll retire the new BID.

Thanks George.


George A. Theall wrote:
> Looks like SecurityFocus created BID 52543 today for a SQL injection in Pre Classifieds. They give as a sample PoC:
>   http://wwww.example.com/classi/search.php?category=-1+union+all+select+version()--
> which matches EDB-ID 18613.  
> This looks to me like a dup of CVE-2007-2675 / OSVDB 35597 / BID 23795 / EDB-ID 3840:
>   search.php?category=-1/**/union/**/select/**/pass/**/from/**/users/*
>   search.php?category=-1/**/union/**/select/**/name/**/from/**/users/*
> Rob? 
> George

Rob Keith

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