[VIM] Joomla Component com_ponygallery Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities
George A.Theall
theall at tenable.com
Thu Dec 23 09:19:20 CST 2010
The issues covered by Exploit DB 15814 / Bugtraq 45558 don't seem
valid to me. The script link in the Exploit DB advisory doesn't work
(because it seems to use a session id in it) but if you download
version 2.5.1 from Joomlaos.de and look at the affected files you'll
see each has as its first line of code:
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is
not allowed.' );
Thus, neither issue is exploitable as described in AtT4CKxT3rR0r1ST's
Also, that line of code also exists in the files in older versions of
the component that I was able to find -- 2.4.1 and 1.1.2.
theall at tenablesecurity.com
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