[VIM] LXR Cross Referencer TITLE Element Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability

Steven M. Christey coley at linus.mitre.org
Fri Aug 20 15:29:35 CDT 2010

OK, I'll say that these are dupes.  This particular dupe occurred as an 
oddity of CVE's internal content production process, which has multiple 
"streams" of differing priorities, and the fact that oss-security CVE 
requests happen with already-published issues.

Prefer CVE-2010-1448.

- Steve

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, George A. Theall wrote:

> According to <http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/07/31/2>, it 
> seems like CVE-2010-1448 and CVE-2010-1738 are dups. I haven't seen an ack of 
> this from anyone at Mitre, though, and it looks like SecurityFocus just 
> issued Bugtraq 42510 today for the former CVE while BID 39865 maps to the 
> latter CVE.
> So, dups or not... Steve / Rob?
> George
> -- 
> theall at tenablesecurity.com

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