[VIM] ZDI upcoming - 500+ days

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Fri Oct 10 23:56:20 UTC 2008

I should set up a script to auto-post this to VIM every few weeks, but 
this was interesting. Along the lines of what eEye did, showing the days 
since vendor informed:


ZDI-CAN-391	Microsoft 		High	2008-09-23, 17 days ago
ZDI-CAN-390	Mozilla Firefox 	High	2008-09-23, 17 days ago
ZDI-CAN-389	Microsoft 		High	2008-09-23, 17 days ago
ZDI-CAN-200	IBM 			High	2007-05-22, 507 days ago
ZDI-CAN-174	Symantec 		High	2007-05-22, 507 days ago
ZDI-CAN-186	Microsoft 		High	2007-03-29, 561 days ago
ZDI-CAN-177	Hewlett-Packard 	High	2007-03-19, 571 days ago
ZDI-CAN-175	Microsoft 		High	2007-03-19, 571 days ago
ZDI-CAN-160	Oracle / PeopleSoft 	High	2007-01-29, 620 days ago
ZDI-CAN-105	Hewlett-Packard 	High	2006-10-10, 731 days ago

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