[VIM] disclosure timeline (Core: Wonderware)

Noam Rathaus noamr at beyondsecurity.com
Wed May 7 16:26:51 UTC 2008

Compiler isn't weird its weird they didn't think core was giving them a snake :)

Noam Rathaus
Beyond Security

-----Original Message-----
From: JM Seitz <jms at bughunter.ca>

Date: Wed, 07 May 2008 10:20:42 
To:Vulnerability Information Managers <vim at attrition.org>
Subject: Re: [VIM] disclosure timeline (Core: Wonderware)

My favourite thing out of this whole disclosure timeline is Wondeware
asking for the compiler for the .py script :)


George A. Theall wrote:
> On May 7, 2008, at 12:07 PM, security curmudgeon wrote:
>> http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2008/May/0095.html
>> *Report Timeline*
> You meant that this for funsec at linuxbox.org, didn't you?
> George

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