[VIM] Wordpress Plugin Wp-FileManager 1.2 Remote Upload Vulnerability

str0ke str0ke at milw0rm.com
Tue Jan 8 18:55:06 UTC 2008

Strip the email below, seems ajaxfilemanager is some sort of addon for

Still looking George ;)


str0ke wrote:
> Seems the link is wrong on the site.
> developers url: johannesries.de/webwork/wp-filemanager/
> You can check the link below for further info.
> http://thescrumbrandon.com/v1/wp-content/plugins/wp-filemanager/readme.txt
> /str0ke
> George A. Theall wrote:
>> Has anyone looked at milw0rm 4844 yet? It supposedly involves the
>> Wp-FileManager plugin for WordPress, yet the download file it points
>> to does not contain the affected file. Nor does one downloaded from
>> johannesries.de, which is the author's site.
>> George
>> --theall at tenablesecurity.com

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