[VIM] Partial source code verify - "RBL - ASP" scripts SQL injection

Steven M. Christey coley at mitre.org
Wed Jan 31 14:44:54 EST 2007

Researcher: sn0oPy
Ref: BUGTRAQ RBL - ASP (scripts with db) SQL injection

The referenced vendor site was casually examined to try to infer
actual product names.  tUrl was examined, but egrep "user|pass"
yielded nothing.

tForum's user_confirm.asp has:

>uId = Request("id")
>sql = "select A.* from x_User A Where A.idUser =" & uId & " AND A.sPassword = '" & Request("_pass") & "'"

tpassword's login.asp has:

>		iStatus = Check_Login(Request.Form("User"),Request.Form("Password"))
>Function Check_Login(sUser, sPass)
>	Dim rs, sql
>	sql = "SELECT * FROM tUser WHERE sCode ='" & sUser & "' AND sPassword='" & sPass & "' "

So looks like at least these two are legit.  I didn't look at the
other products.

- Steve

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