[VIM] r0t is back - who's running the betting pool?

Steven M. Christey coley at mitre.org
Tue Mar 28 00:16:58 EST 2006

OK, so us vuln DBs know that r0t is apparently back.  Anybody want to
run the betting pool?

1) When will we see the first vendor dispute in which the vendor
   doesn't actually understand XSS and needs to be educated?

2) When will we see the first vendor dispute in which the vendor
   claims that the reported SQL injection isn't a problem and we can't
   prove that it's nothing more than a forced invalid SQL because r0t
   used a ' and nothing else?

3) When will the first threatened lawsuit take place and how quickly
   will the vendor retract it once proven wrong?

4) When will we see an issue for a live site or service provider that
   theoretically should not be included in vdb's based on editorial
   policy but gets included anyway 'cause we're drowning in the

5) Why is this humorous at all? :-/

Still wishing for a magical r0t-to-CVE automatic converter...

And I'll buy a beer for anyone who's willing to write a generic "so, a
14 year old has reported a blatantly obvious XSS or SQL injection vuln
in your product and you want to sue us" FAQ.

- Steve

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