[VIM] security enquiry (fwd)

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon Jul 31 16:28:11 EDT 2006

: > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
: > From: Bill Echlin
: > To: security curmudgeon
: >
: >
: > Just out of interest do you know who else I should contact to notify
: > people in the security industry that these vulns are fixed?
: What was your answer? :)  These days I just say a more user-friendly
: version of "we tell VIM and the others will see it."

I mentioned I was with OSVDB, on a small list with other VDB reps and 
would forward it. I also said he could reply to the bugtraq post but 
cautioned that the list catered to security researchers, not his 

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