[VIM] Vendor dispute of OSVDB 15313 / 15314

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon Dec 5 10:48:08 EST 2005

OSVDB 15314 = CVE 2005-1032, Secunia 14857, SecTrack 1013658

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Qualiteam alliances <alliance at qualiteam.biz>
To: moderators at osvdb.org
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 15:03:02 +0300
Subject: [OSVDB Mods] 15313,15314

Hello OSVDB,

My name is Mickael, i am marketing manager at Qualiteam, the seller of 
LiteCommerce software. I write in regard of reports published at


These reports are credited to malicious person we refused to hire. We have 
not taken legal action against him only because he is located in India. 
The vulnerabilites reported can not be reproduced, hence information you 
provide is contrary to fact and, moreover, is harming our busines. Please 
remove it ASAP.

Mickael Bazhutin
marketing manager

QUALITEAM.BIZ                 [web sites] http://www.qualiteam.biz/
Glavpochtamt, p/o box 5152.   [ phone  ] +7 8422 429038  (9:00-18:00 GMT +3)
432072 Ulyanovsk, Russia      [ fax    ]  1 270 568 5165

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