[VIM] Multiple IBM Tivoli documents leading to same issue

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Fri Dec 2 21:55:23 EST 2005

: FYI, iDEFENSE noticed some possible CVE dupes regarding IBM Tivoli 
: Directory Server.  These dupes arose from different IBM documents, one 
: with a very vague description, and the other with a more detailed 
: description, and neither seeming to refer to the other.
: I did some digging and they lead to the same APARs.
: Maybe this will help save other people some analytical effort and/or 
: prevent their own dupes.  See the references in CVE-2005-3567 below.

95% of the time I visit the IBM web site looking for info, I end up 
leaving negative feedback on the "was this helpful" box. 

We currently have the following links attached to OSVDB 20672 which 
covers this:


No wonder it is difficult to figure out. Vague wording that isn't even 
consistant across multiple documents is horrible.

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