From rforno at Thu Jul 8 17:37:37 2010 From: rforno at (Richard Forno) Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 18:37:37 -0400 Subject: [sticklist] - PNG letters are back Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 All, Apparently there is renewed interest by the school in using PNG ("Persona non Grata") notices against members of the Alumni community. For those who may not know, the PNG notice generally bans Alumni from post and attending formal Alumni events wherever they may be held. However I am not aware of any specific policy of the school outlining the conditions that such letters are issued or what their stipulations may be. Please note: I do not know the details of the situation between Mike and the Administration regarding his PNG notice. However, Mike's note (shown below) confirms that the practice/desire of the school to declare an Alumnus PNG did not depart the Forge along with Tony McGeorge, contrary to what people might think. It gives me no pleasure to pass Mike's note along to the Sticklist. Whether you agree with his comments or not, his note represents a broader situation that the Alumni community needs to be aware of -- namely, the return of PNG notices. - - Rick '90 '92C Sticklist Administrator - ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Michael O'Rourke To: O'Rourke Sent: Thu, July 8, 2010 4:50:49 PM Subject: Awarded Lifetime PNG Status To All Alumni On This List: Many of you know that Tony McGeorge indiscriminately placed numerous alumni on a alumnus "Persona Non-Grata" status approximately 4 years ago, including me. The accusations made by McGeorge against me were false. None the less, our alma mater and the Alumni Association has seen fit to uphold the PNG status against me even after the McGeorge administration no longer existed and after the alumni were led to believe that the BOD wished to bring about a unification between the school and the alumni body. Now, I have been singled out with additional accusations and blamed by the Alumni Association of further "harm to the future of the school" resulting in a lifetime PNG status as a former alumnus. I will always be grateful for my experiences as a cadet and the many friends I have made during my association with the school as a cadet and as an alumnus but find I can no longer accept or endorse the irresponsible and immature decision making arising from the present Alumni Association without speaking out against the school as well as against it's alumni association. The AA endorses the school's decision to exclude alumni from their ranks by awarding PNG status to it's alumni solely on whether or not blind compliance to the administration's policies occur without criticism. The AABOD also endorses the school's recourse to seek legal action and law suits made against alumni who publically disagree with the administration. I can not nor will I participate in an alumni association which not only agrees with it's institution's suing of it's own alumni but approves of such underhanded tactics. (What kind of school sues it's own alumni?) I have and continue to volunteer my personal time and effort to maintain contact with those alumni on this list as well as contribute in organizing our 5 year Homecoming events, not to be loyal to VF or to the AABOD, but to foster a close relationship and friendship among our many classmates and friends who either have never returned for a reunion or to those who do return every 5 years. However, the most recent actions of the Alumni Association has now permitted me to make a clean break from all associations in the future with such an irresponsible, blaming and punitive alumni governing body such as what our current AA has become. The direction of Valley Forge itself seems to be headed in the correct and proper direction with the hiring of it's new president who brings valuable military experience to the institution but with such corrupt leadership within the Alumni Association, I could not advise any alumnus trusting anything which originates from a group of vindictive thugs such as those who now comprise the VFMAC AABOD. Please do consider that supporting VF's future as well as furthering friendships within our own classmates is much different than participating in the endorsement of the corrupt policies of the current VF Alumni Association. My last warning to all of you is to beware of the motivations and promises made by the AABOD. They are not a trustworthy or honorable group. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAkw2UJIACgkQKWZyO29ebPZiKgCgyPXYVzf1fKAHtEHU0D2yf7Hc HTAAoJmxbZl6oBgDfClw5AtEZ/+r5ZH1 =iAUM -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From rforno at Sun Jul 11 10:33:04 2010 From: rforno at (Richard Forno) Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 11:33:04 -0400 Subject: [sticklist] - Official Response to O'Rourke letter Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 All, This was just posted to ContinentalOnline.Org by Niles Dally. Again, I am not familiar with the specific details of the situation in question, however, in fairness, I am reposting the official response to the O'Rourke statement from this past Friday. I will let others debate the merits and the "he-said/he-said" aspects of this situation if they so choose, but I will not repost such discussions here. Point as been made; counterpoint has been provided. Moving on now. Cheers, - - Rick Forno '90 '92C Sticklist Administrator < -- > FROM: Niles P. Dally ?63 Member and Former Chairman AABOD Member BOT The record needs to be set straight regarding Mr. O?Rourke?s recent statements. Yes, Mr. O?Rourke did receive a PNG letter several years ago from Tony McGeorge. This year, the AABOD has been reviewing this PNG and contacted Mr. O?Rourke prior to homecoming to discuss removal of his PNG status. Mr. O?Rourke was given permission to attend all events on campus during homecoming and was asked to meet with Bill Floyd, Col Doyle, Gene Banco and myself to discuss the final removal on his PNG. He declined this meeting twice as he was busy with his class reunion event at the time. Unfortunately, we were unable to reschedule a meeting before he left to return home. Mr. O?Rourke?s impatience with the process has lead to his recent comments and actions. The AABOD has done nothing but work in the best interest of the Institution and the Alumni to remove the PNG status that of a number of its Alumni hold. Regardless, the AABOD continued to move forward in removing his status. Recently I was made aware of a recent action that Mr. O?Rourke made that jeopardized VFMAC relationship with a major donor. On July 8th, 2010, I telephoned Mr. O?Rourke to discuss this in hopes that I could get him to apologize to the donor for his actions. While he confirmed his actions with the donor he dismissed the idea that his actions put the relationship in jeopardy even after I assured him that it had. Mr. O?Rourke then surprised me by stating that he did not wish to communicate or work with anyone at Valley Forge and that he wanted to remain on PNG status. I stated that if that was his intention and desire then that was his choice and that the leadership of the AABOD would terminate the process of removing him from PNG status. Let me clearly state. No new lifetime PNG has been issued against Mr. O?Rourke. The AABOD has bent over backwards to remove his PNG status without any assistance from Mr. O?Rourke. Mr. O?Rourke?s recent actions have caused serious strain in the relationship between a major donor and the Institution. Mr. O?Rourke is upset because he was told that he did something wrong and apparently if he doesn?t agree with someone then that person becomes in Mr. O?Rourke?s words ?irresponsible, immature, not trustworthy or honorable, and a vindictive thug?. Mr. O?Rourke is a clear example of an individual who takes his personal desires and feelings above everyone else. His actions have jeopardized the very institution that he professes to love and when offered an olive branch fires back with arrows. We all need to understand that the Alumni of VFMAC are not all Saints. Our Alumni is composed of those who are positive in their efforts and concerns for Valley Forge and those who are negative in their efforts. Valley Forge is at a crossroads. There have been more changes made in the last eight months than in the last thirty five years. Valley Forges problems are not entirely the result of the last administration, but a gradual slide over the last thirty five years and the administration and the AABOD are working hard to identify problems and solve them. The AABOD encourages Alumni for their support and ideas; however it is not practical for individual Alumni or small Alumni groups to act out on their own for what they believe to be good for Valley Forge, this has prompted chaos and in most cases proved to be detrimental. Furthermore, actions such as that of Mr. O?Rourke contacting a major donor and sending threatening and demeaning messages to that individual place the institution in jeopardy. This type action on the part of Alumni is not acceptable nor will it be tolerated. Niles P. Dally ?63 Member and Former Chairman AABOD Member BOT -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAkw547MACgkQKWZyO29ebPZs0QCeMwZLhWN2K78uO+4DR0pUv6NW 2XgAniQSg0M+covszmD1Pd6T9tv36Ui1 =spIr -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From rforno at Thu Jul 22 08:58:08 2010 From: rforno at (Richard Forno) Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 09:58:08 -0400 Subject: [sticklist] - VF Appoints New Superintendent Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 (Via VF official e-mail list) July 22, 2010 - WAYNE, PA Valley Forge Military Academy & College is pleased to announce the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Shawn A. Phillips as the new Superintendent for the organization. LTC Phillips is a 1988 Distinguished Military Graduate of Valley Forge Military College where he received his Associates Degree in Business and his commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Reserve. While serving in the New Jersey Army National Guard as an Armor Scout Platoon Leader, he completed his Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Maryland at College Park. He is a graduate of the Infantry Officers Basic and Advanced Course, Combined Arms Selective Service School and the Air Command and Staff College. He holds a Masters of Public Administration from Auburn University of Montgomery and Master of Military Operational Art and Science from the Air University in Montgomery, Alabama. LTC Phillips has served in a number of command and staff assignments. He began his active duty career in 1990 with the 25th Infantry Division (Light) at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii serving in succession (1991-94) as a Rifle Platoon Leader, Rifle Company Executive Officer, Battalion Logistics Officer (S4) and Battalion Assistant Operations Officer (AS3). He then served with Cadet Command as an Assistant Professor of Military Science teaching ROTC at the University of Delaware, Newark Delaware (1995-97). LTC Phillips then moved to Fort Drum, New York and from 1997-1999 commanded Headquarters and Headquarters Company and Bravo Company in the 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (Light). He then transferred to the 78th Division, Training Support Brigade at Fort Drum and served as the Brigade Plans and Operations Officer for two years. Upon graduating from the Air Command and Staff College in 2002, he was then assigned to the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) also known as the Bastogne Brigade. He has served as the Brigade Logistics Officer, a Battalion Operations Officer in combat during Operation Iraqi Freedom and as the Bastogne Brigade Executive Officer. In 2005, LTC Phillips was assigned to the National Military Command Center on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon and served as a Nuclear Strike Advisor and the Assistant Deputy Director for Operations for three years. In 2008, LTC Phillips joined the Office of the Chief of Staff, Army as the Assistant Executive Officer to the Director of the Army Staff, Headquarters, Department of the Army. LTC Phillips has participated in both peacekeeping and combat operations. He served as a company commander as part of the Multinational Force and Observation Unit Sinai, Egypt as well as serving as the Brigade S4 and Battalion Operations Officer during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is a graduate of the US Army Ranger School, Airborne School, Air Assault School, and has earned his Expert and Combat Infantryman's Badge, Joint Staff Identification Badge, and the Army Staff Identification Badge. LTC Phillips awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (4 OLC), the Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC), and the Army Achievement Medal (2 OLC). LTC Phillips is joined by his wife, Dr. Cheryl Phillips who is a practicing veterinarian and their three children; Savannah, Colton and Taylor. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAkxITnQACgkQKWZyO29ebPZG0wCgk44b/BtOtkMXQ871xAbXxed6 k58Anj62IgyDa6gdStt6qZOH3M3hPwqW =WW/o -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From rforno at Fri Jul 30 12:12:22 2010 From: rforno at (Richard Forno) Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 13:12:22 -0400 Subject: [sticklist] - New Alumni Relations Manager Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 (via VF Official e-mail) Please join the rest of the Valley Forge community in welcoming Emily Lawrence as the new Alumni Relations Manager. Emily joins the Development department as the Alumni Relations Manager after working in the VFMA Summer Camp Office temporarily. Prior to working with the VFMA Summer Camp, Emily was an Administrative Assistant in the VFMA&C Development and Alumni Relations Office. Before coming to Valley Forge, Emily was part of the Development and Alumni Relations Office at Elmira College, in Elmira, New York. While at Elmira, Emily coordinated alumni events, including Reunion 2008 and 2009, worked directly on annual fund mailings and phone-a-thon efforts and co-advised the Student Alumni Council. During her two years at Elmira, Emily also completed a Master of Science in Education, graduating in May 2009. As an undergraduate student at Susquehanna University, Emily earned her Bachelor of Arts in History, where she actively participated in her sorority, Kappa Delta. Originally from Simsbury, Connecticut, Emily attended The Ethel Walker School, and now lives in Pottstown, PA. She is looking forward to this new opportunity in the Development and Alumni Relations Office at VFMA&C! Emily formally begins her role as the Alumni Relations Manager in mid-August, but will be available until then via email at alumni at -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAkxTB/kACgkQKWZyO29ebPbbqwCfVMGur67VqgIknn58xFCk+3QG aCwAoOro3bZL7GO71+9Q9cZ1BIQAcEFO =jUOS -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----