[sticklist] - Choir Robe Project: 58% there!

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Apr 9 13:58:07 UTC 2008

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Sent on behalf of Continental Online:

9 April 2008

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to update you on the progress of the Choir Robe Project,
which has been sponsored by ContinentalOnLine.org on behalf of Chaplain
Steele and Choirmaster Bickle. In slightly over *ONE* WEEK, we have
received a number of outright gifts and pledges that bring our current
total to $2,600. That represents 58% of our goal of $4,500. We want to
thank the generous donors who have supported the project thus far:

Joseph Allen '86C
Tom Balish '78 '80JC
Rick Forno '90 '92C
Peter Gioe '88
Paul McKenna '79JC
Darryl Murphy '81
George Newell '53
Pat and Patti Picone
John Rapp '74JC
Susan Rapp
Angelo Santella '75JC
John Steele
Dan Wolfe '74 '76JC
Claude Wright '66
Jack Wyatt '57

We hope that you will support this project to replace the old, worn choir
robes that currently are in use. The goal is to purchase 50 new robes to
accommodate the Chaplain's and Choirmaster's efforts to recruit
additional choir members. The price of each robe is $90. Please assist us
in this important effort to maintain the level of tradition that is
important to all Alumni. Your check, made payable to VFMAC Foundation, with
a notation that it is for the Choir Robe Project, should be sent directly
to Colonel John E. Steele, VFMA, Chaplain at 1001 Eagle Road, Wayne, PA

Additionally, you may contribute online, and designate your support for the
'Choir Robes' project via the website below:


We thank you for your help!

Courage, Honor, Conquer!
Joseph, Tom, Paul, John, Susan, Dan

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