[sticklist] - AABOD Chairman Message to Alumni

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Sep 28 01:01:11 UTC 2007

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To all Alumni:

During the past week, some members of the alumni have received an email
from other alumni which contained a letter from Richard Robitaille to the
VF Board of Trustees. In the letter Mr. Robitaille makes allegations about
Dr. Kathleen Anderson, VP Academic Affairs, concerning academic grading.

I would like to make you aware of what actions have been taken:

1. Upon receipt of the letter in question, Tony McGeorge, VFMAC President
contacted the Director of Human Resources and Bill Floyd, VF BOT Chairman.
Immediately an internal investigation was begun concerning these
allegations. Further, as a precaution, the Middle States Association was
notified by the administration.

2. At the Board of Trustees level, chairman Bill Floyd appointed an
independent outside counsel to fully investigate this matter. In order to
avoid any conflict of interest the special commission will report their
findings directly to BOT Chairman Floyd.

I would like to emphasize that these claims are unsubstantiated. As such,
it is inappropriate for any of us to engage in spreading rumors. In keeping
with the strong values which each one of us has learned to embrace by
virtue of our Valley Forge training, I would like to request your support
in allowing the tenets of due process to work effectively for all parties.

Please be assured that this matter is receiving top priority.

Your continued positive support for Valley Forge is appreciated.

William M. Beute, '63C
Chairman, Alumni Association Board of Directors

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