[sticklist] - Support the Tac Officer Dinner

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Aug 14 16:28:02 UTC 2007

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For many years, the Alumni Association has demonstrated its appreciation
for the Tactical Department by taking all of the Tac Officers out to dinner
in October or November.  We recognize the hard work and long hours they put
in.  We also realize that they are on the front line of helping us, the
Alumni, preserve the customs and traditions that we value.

This year, the proceeds from the alumni sales that are promoted on
www.continentalonline.org will be applied toward the annual Tac Dinner.
I hope that you will visit the website and click on the Alumni PX link to
view the items for sale.  Because we are unable to use the VF shield, which
has been trademarked by the school, every item instead has ³VFMA&C
Alumni² on it.  Items for sale items include polo shirts, pullovers, hats
and director¹s chairs.

Thanks for helping us do something that will directly say ³thank you²
to Colonel Medearis and his staff.  They have a hard year ahead of them,
and we want them to know how grateful we are for their efforts.  Thanks
again for your support!

Courage, Honor, Conquer.

John Rapp
President, VFMAC AABOD

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