[sticklist] - Sticklist feedback and thanks to you all

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Aug 4 14:42:40 UTC 2007

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Gentlemen --

This is a quick note to say THANK YOU for the comments, feedback, and
support you have given both me and the Alumni Association in response to
items posted to the Sticklist in recent months.  Since our first messages
to the Sticklist back in May, your many thoughtful responses and interest
In alumni and Forge happenings has been most encouraging, and the list
subscriber base has grown considerably since then as well.

Unfortunately at the moment there just aren't enough free minutes in the
day for me to respond to each of you personally as I would like to (though
I do try!)  However, please note that I routinely forward your comments to
the Association for its analysis and follow-up if necessary both to you and
the school. As you know, they are working diligently for us already...but
rest assured -- you *are* being heard!

On behalf of the Alumni Association and myself, I thank you again for your
support and involvement in helping keep our fellow alumni informed about
VFMAC and connected with each other.

Cheers, and have a great weekend!

Rick Forno '90 '92C

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