[Nikto-discuss] Nikto Plugin Tutorial

raymond lukanta raymond_pluto at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 18 06:34:45 CDT 2014

Hi again,
In the docs (http://cirt.net/nikto2-docs/expanding.html#id2792681), there's a prefetch hook.
In the explanation, it is said that "The prefetch phase is called before every request to the server".
My question is what does "every request" means? Every request done by Nikto or every request done by the plugin that defines that hook?
--Raymond L

Subject: Re: [Nikto-discuss] Nikto Plugin Tutorial
From: csullo at gmail.com
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 09:54:40 -0400
CC: nikto-discuss at attrition.org
To: raymond_pluto at hotmail.com

I don't know of a full tutorial other than the docs (http://cirt.net/nikto2-docs/expanding.html#id2792681) on it. You might start with an existing plugin which has similar functionality and start modifying it. 
Feel free to post questions as well!
Regards, Sullo

On Jun 21, 2014, at 12:47 AM, raymond lukanta <raymond_pluto at hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,
I want to create new Nikto plugin.
I've been googling but what I found was this book:http://books.google.co.id/books?id=iV8DRekYvg0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Network+Security+Tools:+Writing,+Hacking,+and+Modifying+Security+Tools&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xAylU4DPGc7JuAS39YCwCA&ved=0CBsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

On page 86, the author give some explanation, but I think the author use the older Nikto version.
Is there anybody have some tutorial that I can follow?
--Raymond L 		 	   		  
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