[Nikto-discuss] Nikto doesn't understand CSP

Sullo csullo at gmail.com
Sun Aug 10 22:38:47 CDT 2014

It alerts because it's not in db_headers. I've added this one and
content-security-policy, thanks.

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Robin Wood <robin at digi.ninja> wrote:

> I just got this in a scan using the latest Git code:
> + Uncommon header 'content-security-policy-report-only' found, with
> contents: default-src https: data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; frame-src
> https://* about: javascript:; img-src data:
> Is it reported as Uncommon because it doesn't know about it or is it just
> pointing out that not many sites set it? I'd guess it is the first.
> Robin
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