[Nikto-discuss] (no subject)

csullo at gmail.com csullo at gmail.com
Sun Sep 1 08:28:35 CDT 2013

I am not near a computer, sorry, but you want to use the -no404 option combined with -Plugins. 

It should be like:  -Plugins "@@none;nikto_outdated;nikto_versions"

Those are from memory so check output of -list-plugins to be sure those are correct. 

Also see:

I'm not sure it will be one request but probably 2-3 if you set the options right, since it tests ssl and possibly more than one method. You can use -ssl and -nossl to save a request if you know ahead of time or don't mind guessing based on port. 

Let us know how it turns out!


On Aug 30, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Thiébaut Devergranne <t.devergranne at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys, 
> I'm very new to Nikto and I'm trying to find out how to conduct a server version tests (like php, asp) sending the minimal number of requests, ideally one. 
> I understand it's possible to do that using the -Plugin parameter but i'm kind of lost after that.
> Anyone could help to put me on the right track ? 
> Thanks
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