[Nikto-discuss] Not well-formed XML report containing not escaped chars

Peter Wang (wkwang) wkwang at cisco.com
Wed May 23 16:01:15 CDT 2012


In parsing one of Nikto XML report file, my script throw an error complaining error "not well-formed (invalid token)" at line 5 character 88
/O=TANDBERG/OU=UKR&D/ <--Error-- CN=ukdev-mint.uk.rd.tandberg.com/emailA"

Finding the XML report containing some special characters in the text without necessary escaping. An offending section is as below,

<ssl ciphers="DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA" issuers="/C=GB/ST=Berks/L=Ruscombe/O=XXXXXX/OU=XXXX/CN=asdf.com/emailAddress=someone at asdf.com" info="/C=GB/ST=Berkshire/L=Ruscombe/O=Company/OU=UK R&D/CN=vmx098" />

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