[Nikto-discuss] What do you think about GUI

Sullo sullo at cirt.net
Fri Jun 8 23:54:11 CDT 2012

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Jay Bahn <Jay.Bahn at gmx.com> wrote:
> This is about Ticket #19.
> What do you think about Zenmap alike python GUI wrapper approach?
> Zenmap calls Nmap with pipe and reads in result.
> It's easy to implement, but I don't know whether it is right or not.

A GUI has never been a priority for me (clearly) because I'd rather
script & background things until they finish. That said, I know a lot
of people would probably like one.

A good GUI for Nikto can only help people some people who want one,
and the CLI will always be there for the others. So, that said, I
would love to see it a reality... if you have the drive to do it,
please make it happen!


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