[Nikto-discuss] OWASP favicon and nikto

Vlatko Kosturjak kost at linux.hr
Thu Jun 9 15:57:25 CDT 2011


I'm not sure if you aware of the OWASP favicon project located here:

In short, it is idea to have central database of favicon hashes. So, 
most of open source projects can have benefit of them. Database itself 
is located on the wiki:
and everyone is welcomed to contribute (it's wiki!). Also, we're 
trying to ease contributors in process of contributions, so we're 
accepting the contributions via twitter as well (just send MD5 and 
identification to @OWASPfavicon). 

I would like to invite nikto to update its database from there. Also, 
if there's anything the database miss - please help and add. 

We're also preparing for new round of internet wide scan, so post your 
ideas before it's too late! In this new scan, we plan to support 
apple-touch-icon as well.

Looking forward for the partnership!
Vlatko Kosturjak - KoSt

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