[Nikto-discuss] How many consecutive scans can Nikto perform?

Sullo csullo at gmail.com
Mon May 31 21:10:04 CDT 2010

You shouldn't have any problem running them in parallel, as long you
specify different output files for each scan so they don't try to
write to the same files. I often do this and set my output to
something like 'hostname_YYYYMMDD_nikto.html' so each has its own
output file.

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Lee Baird <leebaird at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm feeding Nikto with a list of servers to scan.  Sometimes a server will cause Nikto to hang resulting in the remaining servers to not be scanned.  I thought about creating a bash script that will open multiple tabs and running Nikto in each tab against a different server in hopes to avoid this issue.
> --
> Lee Baird
> leebaird at gmail.com
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