[Nikto-discuss] FW: XML report file change in 2.1.1

Jabra jabra at spl0it.org
Fri Jun 25 10:19:43 CDT 2010

I plan to update Nikto::Parser
( http://search.cpan.org/~jabra/Nikto-Parser-0.01/ ) once the new
stable version is released.

This should be helpful for anyone that wants to extract data from
the XML reports.


On 25.Jun.2010 08:08AM +0100, David Lodge wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 19:05:17 +0100, Peter Wang <wkwang at cisco.com> wrote:
>> I noticed that there has been some changes introduced for XML report file
>> format in Nikto 2.1.1.  In 2.03, scandetails element contains two
>> attributes: itemstested and itemsfound. They have been moved a new element
>> <statistics/>. We have written a script in parsing Nikto XML report file 
>> for
>> result. This change broke our script in parsing Nikto XML result file. So 
>> I
>> want to understand what else change was introduced in Nikto 2.1.1 for XML
>> report. Is there any Scheme or DTD file for reference?
> Unfortunately we had to make some changes to how the XML schema worked (as, 
> since 2.1.1, we generate the XML on the fly, rather than waiting until the 
> end, meaning you can cancel the scan halfway through and still get an 
> output).
> The major changes have been:
> * Move itemstested, itemsfound, elapsed, hoststotal, endtime to a new 
> element <statistics>, this may be found as a child of <niktoscan> and 
> <scandetails>
> * New attribute nxmlversion to say the version of Nikto XML being used 
> (currently 1.1)
> * Added an optional <ssl> element as a child of <scandetails> to include 
> ssl details (this is for trunk/2.1.2, so hasn't been released yet).
> The dtd can be found inside docs/nikto.dtd.
> dave
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Jabra < jabra at spl0it.org >

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