[Nikto-discuss] A suggestion for Nikto [shows vhost in report]

snow snow at cyber-dolphin.net
Wed Jul 15 15:04:43 UTC 2009


I have a suggestion for Nikto 2.03.
Please test it.

Show links using "vhost" on html report

I want the links for scanned item which using "vhost" as a hostname in 
Nikto's html reports. So I tried it. I think I haven't test it completely, 
but I could get some result that I wanted.

for example, here are samples using Nikto; 
$ ./nikto.pl -h   -F htm -o logs/nikto-with-ip.html
$ ./nikto.pl -h www.localdomain -F htm -o logs/nikto-with-hostname.html
$ ./nikto.pl -h -vhost virtual.localdomain -F htm \
     -o logs/nikto-with-hostname.html

Then, the attachment htmls are generated by Nikto.
1) nikto-with-ip.html
2) nikto-with-hostname.html
3) nikto-with-hostname.html

Please see the source code's diff below.
1) plugin/nikto_reports.plugin
2) templates/htm_host_head.tmpl
3) tempaltes/htm_host_item.tmpl

1) plugin/nikto_reports.plugin
$ diff beta/nikto_reports.plugin original/nikto_reports.plugin 
<     $variables{"#TEMPL_VHOST"}           = simple_enc($CLI{vhost});
<     if ($CLI{vhost} ne "")
<     {
<         $variables{"#TEMPL_LINK_VHOST"} = "$protocol://$variables{\"#TEMPL_VHOST\"}:$CURRENT_PORT/";
<     } else
<     {
<         $variables{"#TEMPL_LINK_VHOST"} = "N/A";
<     }
<                if ($variables{"#TEMPL_VHOST"} ne "")
<                {
<                    $variables{"#TEMPL_ITEM_VHOST_LINK"} = "$protocol://$variables{\"#TEMPL_VHOST\"}:$CURRENT_PORT$variables{\"#TEMPL_URI\"}";
<                }
<                else 
<                {
<                    $variables{"#TEMPL_ITEM_VHOST_LINK"} = "";
<                }

2) templates/htm_host_head.tmpl
$ diff beta/htm_host_head.tmpl original/htm_host_head.tmpl 
<  <tr>
<    <td class="column-head"><b>Target vhost</b></td>
<    <td>#TEMPL_VHOST</td>
<  </tr>
<    <td class="column-head"><b>Site Link (VHOST)</b></td>
<    <td>
<      <a href="#TEMPL_LINK_VHOST">#TEMPL_LINK_VHOST</a>
<    </td>
<  </tr>
<  <tr>

3) tempaltes/htm_host_item.tmpl
$ diff beta/htm_host_item.tmpl original/htm_host_item.tmpl 
<       <a href="#TEMPL_ITEM_IP_LINK">#TEMPL_ITEM_IP_LINK</a><br>
>       <a href="#TEMPL_ITEM_IP_LINK">#TEMPL_ITEM_IP_LINK</a>

Now, we can access the web server with "vhost" as a servername, just only
click the link in Nikto's report.

Thank you.

  ―――――― このメールにはファイルが添付されています ――――――
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