[Nikto-discuss] Nikto 2.03 goals

Jabra jabra at spl0it.org
Fri Jun 20 04:11:41 UTC 2008

On 19.Jun.2008 02:19PM -0400, David Lodge wrote:
> Just a quick email to mention that I've categorised all outstanding  
> work on Assembla into milestones for the next version.
> My aim for 2.03 is to concentrate on bug fixes, updates to plugins and  
> reworks on reporting and how nikto decides what to scan. I'd like to  
> make a release of nikto 2.03 quite early (as it'll be the first  
> release without Sullo), so I'm aiming for end of July. (This is  
> partially selfish as I'm now a full time pen tester, so will need  
> nikto up to speed.)
> If there are bugs/enhancements missed out, could you submit a ticket  
> to Assembla? If you feel you can fix one of the current bugs, please  
> take ownership and assign it to yourself.

Dave, great work with all the updates to the tickets!

As for the 2.03 release, I'm excited to see how things progress in
the future. Also, I wanted to mention that tonight Backtrack
3 has been released.  I'm a member of the development team and
I made sure Nikto 2 was included.



Jabra < jabra at spl0it.org >

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