[ISN] Security Breach Reported in N.H. Computers

InfoSec News isn at c4i.org
Thu Feb 16 05:42:24 EST 2006


The Associated Press
February 15, 2006

CONCORD, N.H. -- New Hampshire's state computer system was breached,
possibly by a hacker seeking residents' credit card numbers, Gov. John
Lynch said Wednesday.

The breach involved online and in-person transactions in various
locations, including motor vehicle offices and state liquor stores.

"We felt it was important to alert the public that there is at least
the possibility that some credit card information may have been
accessed," Lynch said.

No reports of illegal activity have been reported, but officials asked
people who used credit cards with the state in the last six months to
report suspicious purchases.

State information technology experts became aware of the breach
Wednesday when they discovered illegal software in the system. The
software, which may have been installed for six months, allows a
hacker to watch transactions in real time, officials said.

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