[ISN] Flash Review: A Hacker Manifesto

InfoSec News isn at c4i.org
Thu Feb 17 04:42:47 EST 2005

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon <jericho at attrition.org>

: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0674015436/c4iorg
: Title: A Hacker Manifesto 
: Author: McKenzie Wark
: Pages: 160 pages  
: Publisher: Harvard University Press 
: Reviewer: f0rensik [at] attrition.org
: ISBN: 0674015436 
: A Hacker Manifesto is a tough read. I've found that reading some parts 
: and then going back to others helps me make sense of it, but it's just 
: very dense. Also, the author loves to say things in convoluted and 
: difficult ways whenever he can. It's as if he's showing off how many big 
: words he knows; and annoying as hell.

This book is on my "to review" list as well. As f0rensik says, reading
this book is more likely to cause more headache than deep thought. It
is clear that Wark is well read and has thought about the topics
extensively.  His choice in how to present the material is lacking.
Imagine a poorly translated and convoluted book on some obscure
philosophy, apply it to the hacker mindset, and you have _A Hacker

Personally I am hoping Wark will go back and release a companion to
this book that strips out all the 5 point words he could dig up, and
expand on some ideas and put them in a little more real world context.
In doing that, I believe Wark potentially have the next great piece on
defining the hacker mindset, and exploring how they will continue to
shape our future.

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