[ISN] New focus on cyber-terrorism

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Wed Aug 17 02:31:47 EDT 2005


By Nathaniel Hoopes
Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor 
August 16, 2005 

Buried deep in America's new energy legislation is a requirement that
power companies step up their safeguards against computer attack.

Why does a law aimed at boosting energy production address the dangers
of hackers, software "worms," and computer viruses? Because the
automatic networks that run so-called "critical infrastructure" are
emerging as a vital - and weak - link in America's defense against

Networks run everything from water-treatment plants and oil refineries
to power grids and transport networks. They constantly read data and
adjust, opening a valve here, closing a tank there, often keeping the
facility operating 24/7. In the wrong hands, however, such systems
could be compromised.

"People downplay the importance of cyber-security, claiming that no
one will ever die in a cyber-attack, but they're wrong," says Richard
Clarke, a former terrorism and cyber-security czar in the Bush
administration. "This is a serious threat."

In March, for instance, hackers gained access to the electronic
control systems of the nation's electric power grid, says Dave Powner
a cyber-security specialist at the US Government Accountability Office
(GAO). In 2003, a computer "worm" on the Internet may have helped
delay power companies' response to the major Midwest and Northeast
power outage, although the electric industry says it has found no
evidence of a cyber-related effect. In all, the first half of 2005 saw
237 cyber-attacks worldwide - a 50 percent rise from the same period
last year, according to IBM's global security intelligence team.

 From a national security viewpoint, the real danger is that a
determined and talented cyber-terrorist could break into a utility or
chemical plant's computer network and manipulate the sensor-control
systems, experts say. That could set off an "accident" that could kill
not just workers at the plant, but thousands of civilians in the
surrounding area. Nearly 300 critical-infrastructure facilities lie in
densely populated regions with 50,000 or more local residents,
according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

"An attack on the scale of the Bhopal disaster in India is not
impossible," says Mr. Clarke, citing the chemical leak that killed
some 3,800 people in 1984.

Despite such a nightmare scenario, federal officials are more
immediately focused on the threat of a dual attack, says Mr. Powner of
the GAO. "There is a lot of concern in government about what the FBI
calls a swarming terrorist attack. You have a physical attack and a
simultaneous cyber-attack on critical infrastructure - that really
hurts your ability to respond."

The cascading effect of such an attack could cost the nation billions
of dollars. And getting the incredibly complex systems up and running
again wouldn't be easy, security experts say.

Many experts say that DHS is still relatively unprepared to protect
America's critical infrastructure against a cyber-attack.

"In government, when it came to senior level focus after Sept. 11,
99.9 percent was skewed towards physical protection, and
cyber-security took a back seat," says Paul Kurtz, director of the
Cyber Security Industry Alliance and a former Bush administration
official. But he is optimistic that attitudes are changing.

Facing mounting pressure, DHS is creating a national cyberspace
response system. Supporters claim it will help the government work
with the private sector to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber
incidents. In November, DHS will launch its first major national
exercise - code-named "Cyberstorm" - to test the government's ability
to partner with the private sector in response to a major cyber

Last month, DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff created a new post,
assistant secretary of cyber and telecommunications security, a
position that Mr. Kurtz says will carry the necessary clout.

But Clarke points out that the position hasn't been filled yet. "So
far it's been all talk," he says.

Power companies aren't waiting around for governments to protect them.  
"Ultimately industry has to be responsible for protecting its own
assets," says Ellen Vancko of the North American Electric Reliability
Council. The council is developing cyber-security standards, which its
members will have to uphold.

The industry has a lot to address, Clarke says. "Every time the
government has tested the security of the electric power industry,
we've been able to hack our way in - sometimes through an obscure
route like the billing system," he says. "Computer-security officers
at a number of chemical plants have indicated privately that they are
very concerned about the openness of their networks and how easily
they might be penetrated."

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