[ISN] Hack in the Box security conference coming soon

InfoSec News isn at c4i.org
Fri Aug 12 01:09:10 EDT 2005


11 August 2005

THIS YEAR'S HACK IN THE BOX security conference will be held in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia yet again, where world renowned hackers and security
specialists will present thair latest research and findings over 4

They conference starts off with six technical training sessions,
followed by two days of network security presentations, while all four
days will feature an industry exhibition and technology showcase.

Keynote speakers at the conference will be Microsoft's Tony Chor -
group program manager for the Microsoft Internet Explorer Group - and
Mikko Hypponen, who's the chief research officer at F-Secure Corp.  
Chor is responsible for leading the IE team's security response as
well as the design and development of new IE releases. Mikko's a
veteran when it comes to IT security, having consulted big names such
as IBM, Microsoft, the FBI, the US Secret Service, Scotland Yard and

Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran, the founder and chief executive officer of
Hack In The Box, is hoping that this year's conference will be "extra
special." The conference goes ahead from the 26th to the 29th of
September 2005, at The Westin hotel in Kuala Lumpur. µ

Hack in the Box 

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