[ISN] Book Review: Network Security Architectures by Sean Convery

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Fri Jun 25 09:09:32 EDT 2004

Forwarded from: Ido Dubrawsky <idubraws at cisco.com>

On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 06:00:08AM -0500, InfoSec News wrote:
> Forwarded from: Gary Hinson <gary at isect.com>
> %T      Network Security Architectures - expert guidance on designing secure networks
> %A      Sean Convery CCIE
> %I      Cisco Press, IN, USA
> %D      April 2004
> %G      ISBN 158705115X
> %P      739 pages
> %O      $55 from www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/158705115X/wwwnoticeborc-20
> The book is liberally sprinkled with URLs to useful additional
> resources although I fear some of them will be out of date before this
> book is out of print (an accompanying reference website might have
> been useful, Cisco!).  Each chapter concludes with exam-style review
> questions (with answers) and further questions intended to stimulate
> the reader to think about the material in their local organizational
> context. The topic almost inevitably involves loads of acronyms so
> thankfully a succinct glossary is included.
I wanted to forward this bit of information from Sean Convery (the
author of the book) to the list regarding the request for an
accompanying reference website for the book:

: Thanks for sending the review along. I'm very glad folks are finding
: the book useful. One small point of note: the reference website
: requested does indeed exist. I reference it in the preface. All the
: links in URL form are posted here:
: http://www.seanconvery.com/nsalinks.html
: There's also some other book related stuff off of the root,
: including a sample chapter and a repository for errata as we find
: it.
: Thanks again,
: Sean

                        | Ido Dubrawsky, CISSP   E-mail: idubraws at cisco.com
     |          |       | Network Security Architect
    :|:        :|:      | VSEC Technical Marketing, SAFE Architecture Team
   :|||:      :|||:     | Cisco Systems, Inc.
.:|||||||:..:|||||||:.  | Silver Spring, MD. 20902

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