[Infowarrior] - PSA: Read the Equifax TOS before enrolling in their 'protection'

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Sep 8 11:45:04 CDT 2017

By signing up on Equifax’s help site, you risk giving up your legal rights

Worried you may be affected by Equifax's massive data breach? The credit bureau has set up a site, equifaxsecurity2017.com, that allows you to check whether your personal information was exposed. But you may want to think twice about using it, and here's why.

The website's terms of service potentially restricts your legal rights.

Sharp-eyed social media users have combed through the data breach site's fine print — and have found what they argue is a red flag. Buried in the terms of service is language that bars those who enroll in the Equifax checker program from participating in any class-action lawsuits that may arise from the incident. Here's the relevant passage of the terms of service:

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