[Infowarrior] - Inside the MPAA, Netflix & Amazon Global Anti-Piracy Alliance

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Sep 18 06:03:02 CDT 2017

(Even though MPAA is a member, this almost looks like an MPAA-for-the-future.  --rick)

Inside the MPAA, Netflix & Amazon Global Anti-Piracy Alliance

	• By Andy
	• on September 18, 2017

Back in June, MPAA, Amazon, Netflix, CBS, HBO, BBC, Sky, Bell Canada, CBS, Hulu, Lionsgate, Foxtel, Village Roadshow, and many more, revealed the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment, a brand new initiative to tackle piracy on a global scale. Today, TorrentFreak can reveal the deal behind this massive operation.

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