[Infowarrior] - Twitter employee deactivated POTUS' personal account

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Nov 3 06:19:19 CDT 2017

... and for a brief shining moment, the majority of rational people on the internet, if not also a few such souls inside the WH, rejoiced.

But srsly, this should be a huge security wakeup call to the WH and USSS about the POTUS using Twitter in an official (or 'allegedly not-official-but-yeah-its-mostly-official') capacity.   Especially given the ongoing stream-of-consciousness nonsense by a national leader whose every moronic, emotional, and/or likely uninformed utterance is instantly seized upon by the world.  But, as he told Fox last night, he's the "only one that matters" so .... good luck with that idea, right?      --rick

Rogue Twitter employee on last day of job deactivated Trump’s personal account, company says

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