[Infowarrior] - Pew: State of the News Media

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Jun 2 08:27:27 CDT 2017

State of the News Media

Since 2004, Pew Research Center has issued an annual report on key audience and economic indicators for a variety of sectors within the U.S. news media industry. These data speak to the shifting ways in which Americans seek out news and information, how news organizations get their revenue, and the resources available to American journalists as they seek to inform the public about important events of the day. The press is sometimes called the fourth branch of government, but in the U.S., it’s also very much a business – one whose ability to serve the public is dependent on its ability to attract eyeballs and dollars.

Over the years, the Center’s approach to these indicators has evolved along with the industry, carefully considering the metrics, sectors and format in which the data appear. This year, instead of a single summary  report, a series of fact sheets showcasing the most important current and historical data points for each sector – in an easy-to-digest format – will be rolled out a few at a time over the coming months.

Listed below are the 2017 fact sheets released so far, along with links to related reports that provide other angles of analysis about the news media industry. (State of the News Media reports from 2004-2016 are archived as PDFs and available here.) Check back in the coming months as the collection below grows – and in the years to come as these fact sheets continue to be updated with the latest data.

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