[Infowarrior] - What Does Rudy Giuliani Actually Know About Cybersecurity?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Jan 13 07:24:32 CST 2017

(I'm surprised his company IP address isn't Because he's Rudy Nine Eleven Giuliani, dammit.  --rick)

What Does Rudy Giuliani Actually Know About Cybersecurity?
Written by
Jason Koebler and Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai

January 12, 2017 // 01:55 PM EST

Rudy Giuliani is going to head a new Cybersecurity Working group for the Donald Trump transition team, a move that has caused many to reflexively wonder: What does the former mayor of New York know about cybersecurity?

That’s probably a fair question, because Giuliani served as an undisciplined attack dog for Trump during the campaign, saying a large number of patently and provably false things on a wide array of topics. It is concerning to some that Trump will put him in charge of solving the very real problem of preventing foreign governments from using hacking to undermine our democracy and getting private corporations to treat cybersecurity as vitally important to the economic, security, and privacy interests of their businesses, employees, and customers.

But Giuliani is not an unqualified pick for this position, just a cynical one....

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