[Infowarrior] - Fast Content vs. Good Content

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Jan 29 09:51:18 CST 2017

Fast Content vs. Good Content

	• January 25th, 2017
	• Investing
	• Charlie Bilello


Fast content is timely. Good content is timeless.

Fast content seeks clicks. Good content seeks conversation.

Fast content induces fear and greed. Good content helps you overcome these emotions.

Fast content is self-promotional. Good content is self-aware.

Fast content assigns blame. Good content takes ownership.

Fast content is fleeting. Good content is cumulative.

Fast content makes you react. Good content makes you reflect.

Fast content tells you what to do. Good content gives you the tools to actually do it.

Fast content is impassive. Good content is expressive.

Fast content is about the destination. Good content is about the journey.

Fast content is quantity. Good content is quality.

Fast content is disposable. Good content is recyclable.

Fast content is mindless. Good content is mindful.

Fast content is impulsive. Good content requires planning, preparation and practice.

Fast content is shallow. Good content is deep.

Fast content is focused on the headline. Good content is focused on the body.

Fast content screams at you. Good content speaks to you.

Fast content breeds conflict. Good content breeds community.

Fast content gives you yesterday’s news. Good content makes you think about tomorrow.

Fast content is robotic. Good content is uniquely human.

Fast content or Good content? The choice is yours.

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