[Infowarrior] - POTUS' flagrant Friday night news dump

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Aug 25 22:05:25 CDT 2017

President Trump’s flagrant Friday night news dump

By Amber Phillips August 25 at 10:27 PM


It's Friday night. A Category 4 hurricane is about to slam the Texas coastline, and President Trump just directed the Pentagon to ban transgender people from joining the military and pardoned a politically radioactive convicted former sheriff. News also broke that one of his more controversial advisers, Sebastian Gorka, is leaving the White House.

This isn't your average sleepy Friday news dump — a trick newsmakers use to bury unpopular news by releasing it when most people aren't reading news. This is a flagrant attempt to hide a series of politically fraught (but base-pleasing) moves under the cover of an August Friday night hurricane.

In other words, it's transparent that Trump is doing controversial things he knows are controversial, and he and the White House would prefer the public and the media not focus on it.

Of course, the irony for Trump is that the exact opposite is happening. In so obviously trying to downplay this news, he's framing it in neon flashing signs.

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This hurricane-Friday-night news dump is bold, even for Trump. And if he hoped to keep backlash to a minimum, his plan is already backfiring.

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