[Infowarrior] - YCMTSU: Another F-35 'feature'

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Mar 8 07:54:01 CST 2016

The latest in a long line of bugs, glitches, and problems plaguing this multi-billion-dollar flying catastrophe.  At this point, I'll go out on a limb and say the F-35 is making the Bradley Fighting Vehicle look like a model of developmental awesome and procurement efficiency.   My sympathies to the pilots sentenced to flying these things at home, let alone in a combat zone.   --rick

Radar glitch requires F-35 fighter jet pilots to turn it off and on again

Troubled warplane that has yet to see any cyber security testing hit with yet another bug affecting flight performance requiring software update


It's better to burn out than fade away.

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